Page 84 - Are Dental Implants Right For You
P. 84

With the right maintenance and conditions, up to 15 years
Perfectly healthy teeth on either side of a “gap” may need to be reduced, in order to attach bridge
If one of the attached teeth fails on either side of the bridge, then this will cause the entire bridge to fail
Nine: Dentures, Bridges, Implants - Comparison Chart | 83
      How long do results last?
      The tooth (or teeth) is/are replaced “aesthetically,” or above the gum line
The adjacent teeth will not be able to “crowd” into the gap(s)
The patient’s bite is improved
                 With the right maintenance and conditions, dentures can last up to 10+ years
*relining may be necessary during this time as the jawbone atrophies
It’s possible to achieve a more youthful appearance
Dentures can help support the patient’s lips and cheeks
Chewing efficiency can be lessened
If not fixed into place, dentures can fall out
Jawbone will continue to atrophy
Dentures can impede speech, and if not “fixed” into place properly, they can fall out
As gums wear down, and nerves rise closer to the surface, dentures can become painful
                 Titanium implant below gum line:
with the right conditions and maintenance, the lifetime
of dental implants can be indefinite (perhaps forever)
Crown (restorative “tooth”) above the gum line: can last up to 15 years
The closest in looks and functionality to having natural teeth
Healthy, adjacent teeth will not be affected (or reduced) during treatment
The daily maintenance required is the same as it is for natural teeth
Preserves the jawbone by stopping bone loss
97% success rate over a 40-year life span
The patient can eat whatever they like! The ability to chew normally is restored
An abutment screw (the device that attaches the crown – or “tooth” – to the implant) can loosen or break
The procedure requires an anesthetic
The entire process can take up to six months (or more, depending on whether or not auxiliary procedures are required to build up bone or soft tissue, for example)
*NOTE: At Village Green Dental, it is possible for us to place your implant(s) in one appointment

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